Wednesday 19 October 2011

Chairs’ and headteachers’ views on the way their governing bodies function

Overall, Head Teachers and Chairs of Governors tend to agree about how their governing bodies function.

Chairs of Governors have a more positive view of the way the governing body works.

Chairs of Governors think that governing bodies add to school leadership. Head Teachers do not have such a positive view. 

Headteachers and Chairs of Governors think that governing bodies struggle more with managing the strategic-operations management divide 

Headteachers have a more positive view about the amount of  information provided at governing body meetings.

The Chair-Headteacher relationship

Overall, relations between Chairs and Head Teachers are strong

• a high degree of mutual respect 

• investment on both sides

Chairs of Governors and Headteachers differ in their views on the frequency and length of interactions (Chairs more frequent and longer) 

Headteachers accept that the Chair of Governors has to challenge them, Chairs do 
not have such a positive view. 

Headteachers say that they are open with the Chair of Governors, Chairs do not have such a positive view

Taken from The Education and Employers Taskforce Second Research Conference, October 2011

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