Monday 21 March 2011

Ofsted Proposals for new framework inspections (Summary & Roundup)

Ofsted Proposals for new framework inspections from January 2012

Ofsted officially released their proposals for inspection arrangements at both maintained schools and Academies today.

The words 'Governors' is mentioned just two times, once in the introduction and another on The effectiveness of leadership and management section on page 12.

The word 'Governance' is also mentioned twice, once in The effectiveness of leadership and management section summary on page 23 and another at the bottom of page 13 in relation to Ofsted considering the impact of 'Governance'

The two words 'Governing Body' fairs a little better with four mentions on sections 1, 55, 57 and 59 listed below. This is probably a little light on school governing references considering full Ofsted document is over 8,000 words long.

School Governor related sections:

Introduction: Page 4 para 6

'Of course, inspectors will continue to take account of schools’ self-evaluation, involve school leaders and governors in the inspection process and listen carefully to the views of learners, parents and staff when coming to a judgement about the school’s effectiveness. But the core of the inspection will rest on classroom observation and feedback to teachers. We will continue to make clear recommendations for the school’s improvement'

The effectiveness of leadership and management Page 12 Para 3

'26. Strong leadership creates the climate in which effective teaching and pupil achievement flourish. The current inspection framework sets a clear expectation that leadership and management should focus strongly on improving the quality of teaching and learning, and that leaders and managers at all levels in the school will be driving improvements in achievement. Governors are also expected to challenge the school and ensure that it improves. We propose to retain these as key considerations when judging the effectiveness of leadership and management.'

Sections relating to Governance

Page 13 Last para

'In addition, we propose to consider: the accuracy of the school’s self-evaluation and the use made of its findings; the appropriateness of the curriculum in helping all pupils to achieve well; the impact of governance'

Page 23 Last para

'In addition, we propose to consider: the impact of governance on school improvement'

Sections relating to Governing Body

1. The inspection framework has a strong influence on schools and we do not change it lightly. In revising the framework, we aim to improve it and ensure that it contributes more positively to school improvement. We are consulting on changes to school inspection that will be introduced in January 2012. We are seeking the views of parents, carers and pupils, teachers and head teachers, governing bodies, local authorities, faith groups, diocesan boards, employers and others who may be interested.

Schools requiring special measures

55. In some schools, the pace of improvement is too slow and this is not acceptable for the pupils who attend such schools. We propose, therefore, to shorten the time that schools are in special measures by bringing forward the first monitoring inspection to a few weeks following the inspection and increasing the frequency of subsequent monitoring inspections. This provides schools which are improving rapidly with an earlier opportunity to be removed from a category of concern. Conversely, clear indications that a school is improving only slowly, if at all, may highlight the need for governing bodies

Requests to inspect because of concerns about the school

57. Requests for inspection may relate to concerns about a school’s performance: for example, a marked decline in test and examination results or a significant deterioration in pupils’ behaviour. Such concerns may be raised by a group of parents, the local authority or, in some cases, by the governing body. In these cases, there will not be a charge for inspection. It will be for HMCI to consider the reasons for such requests, in deciding whether to inspect the school.

Requests to inspect to confirm a school’s high or improving performance

59. A good school which has improved significantly since its previous inspection may feel that there is compelling evidence that it might be judged outstanding were it to be inspected. Where a future routine inspection will not take place for another two or three years, the governing body may request an inspection so that the school has the opportunity to be judged outstanding.

Ofsted Proposals Summary

Report on the quality of the education provided by the school, giving priority to the achievement of its pupils and their behaviour and safety, the quality of teaching and the quality of leadership and management of the school

Take account of the spiritual, moral, social and cultural development of pupils and the extent to which the education provided enables every pupil to achieve her or his potential, particularly disabled pupils and pupils who have special educational needs

Be more streamlined, giving greater priority to detailed observation of teaching and learning

Take particular account of pupils’ attainment and rates of progress when evaluating achievement

Focus strongly on standards of reading and numeracy in primary schools and literacy in secondary schools.

Use measures of relative progress other than contextual value-added indicators

Give more emphasis to reporting on pupils’ behaviour, with particular attention to conduct in lessons and around the school, and each pupil’s safety from bullying and harassment.

Focus more of the available inspection time on evaluating the quality of teaching and the use of assessment to support effective learning.

Evaluate how well reading is taught in primary schools and literacy is taught in secondary schools.

Judge the effectiveness of leadership and management, especially the leadership of teaching and learning.

Judge the overall effectiveness of the school by giving more weight to the quality of teaching and pupils’ achievement, their behaviour and the impact of leadership and management, including how well the school promotes the spiritual, moral, social and cultural development of pupils.

Report on the effectiveness of sixth form and early years provision within the other reporting areas rather than as separate sections.

Continue to take account of self-evaluation evidence in the form adopted by the school.

Undertake annual risk assessment of good and outstanding schools beginning three years after their latest inspection.

Stop the routine inspection of most schools judged outstanding at their last inspection.

Inspect schools previously judged as good within five years of their last inspection.

Take greater account of the views of parents and carers in deciding when a school should be inspected.

Strengthen our monitoring of satisfactory schools.

Target inspection to bring about more rapid improvement in schools judged to be inadequate.

Respond more flexibly to requests made by schools for an inspection.

The full Ofsted proposals document can be downloaded or viewed here:

Ofsted are also running an online consultation for their new proposals which ends on 20th May 2011. You can take part here:

Related Links on Ofsted Proposals

ACSL view that Parents’ views should not skew Ofsted inspections

Voice the Union Blog 'Who inspects the inspectors?'

NASUWT comments on Ofsted inspection consultation$21387875$1345015.htm

Guardian Story: Ofsted encourages parents to air concerns over children's schools

Telegraph Story: Parents will be able to direct inspectors to failing schools via a new website to be set up

BBC: Ofsted asks parents to rate schools on new website

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